Tuesday 18 June 2024

15/06/24 - Harescombe - Match Lake

Weight - 61lb 13oz
Catch - 21 F1s, 12 Carp, 1 Skimmer
Weather - Changeable! Wind, rain, flat calm, sun, heavy hail, thunder.
Match - Summer Series rd 2 (14 fished) - 1st overall

The 2nd round of the summer series and I was reasonably happy to draw p12 thinking it would be a decent section peg.

On the drive up the temperature gauge on the car read 10c and it was quite windy as we were setting up. After my last couple of matches I decided to simplify my approach, focusing on meat and pellet, so no paste or caster.

On the all-in I started on 4mm p-nut pellet at 3+2 to my right just past some weed and lost the first 3 fish, which wasn’t the start I wanted. I then switched to fishing meat covered in U-Zit A-Krill cloud, switching between 2 short lines and by the end of the first hour had 8 fish, mostly F1s.

The second hour was strange. The weather couldn’t make up its mind with the wind blowing one way then the other, or it just went flat calm. My short lines had dried up and switching to the bottom of the far shelf only resulted in 1 small carp, which was surprising, although no-one seemed to be catching much.

After 45mins of inactivity I switched to fishing tight to the far bank where it was a little shallower, alternating between 2 spots, tapping in some meat with 2mm p-nut pellet. Initially, it was slow going, but as the match progressed the 2 swims got stronger. The wind, however, was a nightmare at times and not to mention the heavy hailstorm which wasn’t pleasant.

I was pleased to be at least catching regularly although a little concerned (unnecessarily) that I was catching more F1s than carp and any carp I did catch were smaller or the same size as the F1s.

With an hour remaining of the 5.5hrs, the far lines were fading. I had been trickling meat and micros into the left margin and meat at 2+2. A switch to the left margin produced a run of F1s including some proper lads up to 3lb and then I had a couple more fish from the 2+2 line. 

I thought I had 45-50lb, so a little surprised to weigh 61lb, as I had obviously underestimated how big some of those F1s were.

As it turned out I got the all-important section win and I'm now just leading the series courtesy of a weight advantage.

1.    61-13 – Ken Rayner – p12
2.    50-14 – Tom Driver – p29
3.    35-  0 – Andy Jane – p15
4.    33-15 – Andrew Turell – p20   

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