Monday 19 August 2024

17/08/24 - Harescombe - Match

Weight - 51lb 4oz
Catch - 16 Carp, 15 F1s, 4 Skimmers, 1 Perch
Weather - Warm and mostly cloudy
Match - Summer Series (11 fished) - 3rd in section, 3rd overall

The 6th round of this series and unfortunately as usual with any league there were a couple of no shows that weren’t doing well in the league. This meant we only had 11 fishing today and a decision was made to remove a peg from each section, leaving one peg not drawn.

I was disappointed to find myself on p20, which was further compounded when Andy Jane drew p18 and Steve Brown on p15. Looking at past results, p20 has never been higher than 3rd in section and plumbing up I realised why. Ideally you want an area with 18in of water, to catch the better stamp carp. I found 1 spot about 2ft deep tight to the far bank, but the margins were slightly deeper.

On the all-in I had a good start fishing meat (covered in Uzit A-krill cloud) at 3+1, netting 5 decent F1s and a small carp in the first 40mins. The next 30mins was a struggle, but I eventually started catching tight to the boards again on meat, including a big F1 which was weighed separately at 4lb 9oz.

I also managed a couple of fish from the short line, which I kept topped up when I needed to rest the far swim. After 3.5hrs, things were looking good. I could see Lucas catching on p24 and probably winning the section, I could also see Steve catching, but noted he was netting quite a few small fish. More importantly, I was probably 25lb ahead of Andy, who I needed to beat to strengthen my position in the league.

Moving into the last 90mins I was conscious I really needed my margins to produce to maintain my position but struggled. I tried paste down the right-hand margin as this was the deepest and meat down the left. The paste failed to produce, which was a surprise as it produced quite well last week, As, for the left margin I only caught a couple of small stamp carp.

I kept picking up fish from the far bank, which were now carp, but other than a 3-4lber they were a small stamp.  

In the meantime, Andy had started catching down his margins where it was only a foot deep amongst the sedges netting some much better stamp carp.

Come the all-out I was nervous about what Andy had, although he had fewer fish than me, the stamp of fish meant he was catching me up. Unfortunately, Lucas beat me from p24 and those better stamp fish for Andy, including a 5lber on the whistle meant he won the section.

Fortunately for me I just managed to beat Steve to finish 3rd in section. Mixed emotions, if I’m honest, 3rd in section was probably the best I could expect from the peg, but I was disappointed as Andy is now leading the league, due to a higher aggregate weight advantage.

With 2 rounds remaining, hopefully this round will be one of my droppers.

59-  2 – Andy Jane – p18
2.    56-12 – Lucas Hurcombe – p24
3.    51-  4 – Ken Rayner – p20
4.    50-  6 – Steve Brown – p15
League Standing
1.    11pts – Andy Jane (371-5)
2.    11pts – Ken Rayner (337-9)
3.    16pts – Steve Brown

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